Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Suggestions on Vlogging

Well, this is it - my next post will be a vlog!  I'm stating it here to be held accountable, haha.  I've asked for suggestions from around the interwebz as to what my first vlog should be about.  The first one is always the hardest, isn't it?  I've had some good suggestions - Children, and my Pagan life in general.

So, do you agree?  What do you suggest?  What do you want to see, what do you want to see me talk about? I won't ask this every time, trust me - I just have no idea what to start with!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacy , Lol I have no idea what a vlog is ! but believe if you want to try it go for ityou won't know if you like it unless you try , right ?
    just opped in to say Thank You for visiting my blog ☺
    yes we are in Canada . Wpg. ! WOOHOO !
    nice to see You and get to know you via blog land ☺
    ♥ rox
